Monday 4 March 2013

Cygnets Pre-Season Meeting

The time has come for you to renew your membership to the Swanswater Cygnets Junior Angling Club, look out your fishing gear (if you haven’t been fishing over the winter) and get ready for the coming season.
Membership remains at £15, although it was agreed at the AGM in November to increase the session fee to £10 per week. Subscriptions are now due.
There will be a pre-season meeting for all Cygnets and parents/guardians on SUNDAY 17TH MARCH at 9.30am at the Fishery. This is to elect junior members to the committee, and to discuss outings and other events for the coming year. The meeting will be followed by the first fishing session of the year, finishing at the usual time of 1pm. Membership forms will be available at the meeting and subscriptions should be paid on that day.
If, for any reason, you are not wanting to re-join the Club could you PLEASE let me know as we need to know numbers for the coming year. Also if you can’t come on 17th March but do want to be a member of the Club please let me know. The second session will be on Sunday 31st March (Easter Sunday) and ALL subscriptions must be paid on or before that date.
Looking forward to seeing you on 17th March and to a successful season for the Cygnets
Tight lines