The B team were to be fishing on the Mill Pond. Unfortunately none of the Cygnets B Team attended today for this competition.
The A Team Cygnets were boat fishing on Swanswater. There were 6 Cygnets at todays competition. The weather was dull and cloudy with a strengthening wind with strong gusts at times, which made it feel quite cold. As this was a competition towards the overall club champion the Cygnets started at 08:30am. They were eager to get fishing and following the allocation of boats and session safety brief, the Cygnets headed up to Swanswater and out on to the water.
There were a few fish showing at the start of the session, However, the fish seemed to be reluctant to take any of the flies that the Cygnets offered them. The Cygnets fished hard throughout the first part of the session and it was 2hrs into the session before the first fish was successfully boated by Robert Fyfe, which was a hard fighting, cracking blue trout, which was shortly followed by a second blue trout for Robert.
The Cygnets had a break from fishing at 11am and were joined by Paul Young, Swanswater Cygnets, Honorary President. The Cygnets enjoyed their time talking to Paul and having a warm drink.
After the break the Cygnets were back out in the boats. It was not until near the end that the third fish of the session was hooked and successfully boated by Eddie McKillop. This was another cracking blue trout. Some of the Cygnets reported getting pulls from fish but they were reluctant to stay on.
Overall, the Cygnets did really well in conditions that were not great for fishing.
The Successful Cygnets today were:-
Robert Fyfe - 2 fish
Eddie McKillop - 1 fish
There were 2 Cygnets who attended fly tying with Jimmy Miller today. They were shown and then tied the "Black Zulu"
"Black Zulu"
The next Cygnets session is on Sunday 15th September at Swanswater Fishery as normal - 09:15am, fishing from 09:30am and followed by fly tying.
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